Visual D DClosure mixin error?

Bart Bart at
Sat Jun 22 13:09:17 UTC 2019

On Saturday, 22 June 2019 at 07:09:42 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
> On 21/06/2019 15:55, Bart wrote:
>> I'm getting DClosure mixin not found when trying to go to a 
>> delegate on the stack.
>> DClosure.DClosure.d_closure_marshal!(bool 
>> delegate(gdk.Event.Event, 
>> gtk.Widget.Widget)).d_closure_marshal(gobject.c.types.GClosure 
>> * closure, gobject.c.types.GValue * return_value, unsigned int 
>> n_param_values, gobject.c.types.GValue * param_values, void * 
>> invocation_hint, void * marshal_data) Line 123    D
>> This is a file in GtkD.
>> It says it's like 123 but it's actually line 121.
>> Dclosure.d
>>     extern(C) static void d_closure_marshal(T)(GClosure* 
>> closure,
>> GValue* return_value, uint n_param_values, /*const*/ GValue*
>> param_values, void* invocation_hint, void* marshal_data)
>>     {
>>         DGClosure!(T)* cl = cast(DGClosure!(T)*)closure;
>>         if ( Parameters!(T).length > n_param_values )
>>             assert(false, "DClosure doesn't have enough 
>> parameters.");
>>         if ( closure.derivativeFlag )
>>         {
>>             GValue[] swapped = new GValue[n_param_values];
>>             swapped[0..n_param_values-1] = 
>> param_values[1..n_param_values];
>>             swapped[n_param_values-1] = param_values[0];
>>             param_values = swapped.ptr;
>>         }
>>         mixin(getCallbackCall!T()); // line 121 but stack 
>> trace says
>> it's 123.
>>     }
>> Seems it can't find the line nor the mixin in file correctly.
>> The main mixin does not seem to have this code in it either 
>> but it has other code related to other mixins from gtkD so it
>> Do you have gtk installed or are you willing to install it? 
>> The closure
>> is generated for most event handling in gtkD it seems such as 
>> simple
>> button click handling. Probably any gtkD example will produce 
>> such a stack.
> I just tried it, and the rather new "Enable mixin debugging" 
> feature on the Compiler->Debug page is what you are looking 
> for. This will write the expanded mixins into the given file 
> instead of the compiler just making up random filenames.

I had this checked already. I could debug mixins sometimes and it 
wrote them all to
one large file.

So something must be buggy. I guess it's not finding the file 
name correctly. Remember, it's also reporting the line number 

Maybe it is a problem with the compiler itself and not Visual D? 
I searched for the DClosure in the large mixin file and could not 
find it but other related mixins were inside.

> Unfortunately, with "Separate compile and link" the link step 
> overwrites the file generated during compilation, so you should 
> switch the compilation model to "Combined compile and link" for 
> the gtk library.

I do have combined enable. Separate compile and link is far too 
slow to be usable.

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