Visual D 0.49.0-beta1
Michelle Long
HappyDance321 at
Tue Mar 19 20:03:25 UTC 2019
On Sunday, 17 March 2019 at 09:08:05 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback.
> On 17/03/2019 01:07, Michelle Long wrote:
> [...]
>> Best I can tell is visual D is building phobos every time...
>> This happens even if I made a change to a single file and
>> recompile. It used to not do this.
> Hmm, it doesn't do it here. You can get some info why it
> happens if you enable global options "show why a target is
> rebuilt".
>> I see no reason why it would have to rebuild phobos every time
>> since nothing changes. Disabling private build removes the
>> errors. Maybe an option to use build only if it does not exist
>> so it does not rebuild every time.
> There is no real dependency check for the private phobos build,
> only whether the file exists and whether the command line
> options or the environment have changed.
>> Also, does building multiple object files reduce compilation
>> by not rebuilding everything? Seems like a lot of files are
>> recompiled that don't change at all.
> The single file compilation only happens for the C files in
> phobos, everything else is built with a single invocation. see
> in the output folder.
Ok, well, I set the setting and now it seems it is working. I
reverted and it didn't rebuild. Maybe something got screwed up
causing it to constantly rebuild.
If I do a rebuild it gives me
x64\Debug DMD\privatephobos.lib not up to date: command line has
and now it is doing it again(if I make any change to my project
Maybe only essential command line changes should be
checked(architecture, etc... anything that would effect the
library itself).
I don't think the command line actually changed though. I simply
added a space to a project file and built.
If you are not sure about this error maybe add code to display
the change in the command line so one could see what actually is
changing. It might be a buggy piece of code that thinks it's
changing when it's not but no way to tell.
>> Another thing: When I do a search for a variable and the
>> Visual D search window pops up for multiple matches, double
>> clicking any entry does not take me to the file and location
>> of that entry making me manually find the entry.
> The symbol search works by analyzing JSON-files generated by
> the compiler. These can be outdated (for phobos you have to run
> "Build phobos browse info" once after changing the compiler -
> it's been proposed to do this automatically, see
>, but that needs
> some update check).
> For your own code, the JSON generation must be enabled in the
> project options. It reflects the state of the last successful
> build, though, not any later edits.
I'm not sure, I got it to popup up on something else and was able
to double click and it worked. So either it was a glitch or maybe
it has some file finding errors and double clicking works but it
can't open the file.
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