Dexed, revived!

Basile B. b2.temp at
Fri Apr 24 09:20:22 UTC 2020

On Friday, 24 April 2020 at 08:44:10 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
> On Saturday, 11 April 2020 at 14:05:43 UTC, RegeleIONESCU wrote:
>> Dear Sir, I am following your instructions on how to compile 
>> and build Dexed on Windows 10. Could you please help me find 
>> out why I get the following error?
>> [...]
> Sorry I don't know how I've managed to miss your message since 
> the 11. Maybe it's because the topic was more about Akira's 
> fork originally.
> The compiler error message means that u_dastworx is missing in 
> the "use" clause (it's like D imports). You can try to add it 
> by editing u_dastworx.pas.
>> Fatal: (1018) Compilation aborted
>> Error: C:\lazarus\fpc\3.0.4\bin\x86_64-win64\ppcx64.exe 
>> returned an error exitcode
>> Error: (lazarus) Compile Project, Mode: Release, Target: 
>> C:\temp\dexed-v3.8.3\bin\dexed.exe: stopped with exit code 1
>> Error: (lazbuild) failed compiling of project 
>> C:\temp\dexed-v3.8.3\lazproj\dexed.lpi
>> [...]
> Note that the problem wont be fixed.
> 1. next version, v3.9.0, doesn't use dastworx anymore but 
> rather a library, compiled with LDC.
> 2. I don't support Windows anymore so people have to submit 
> their fixes if they want dexed to continue working on Windows. 
> This can be done by sending me patches by email (clone the 
> gitlab project, look at the git history to find my mail) or 
> gitlab merge_requests.

I think that this might work fine actually. On linux I've just 
updated LDC and linking the new library doesn't require anything 
to be moved thanks to  "-link-defaultlib-shared=false"

so after clonig master, installing Laz and FPC

1. Have the path to ldc binaries in your PATH env variable
2. $ lazbuild -B dexeddesigncontrols.lpk
3. $ lazbuild -B dexed.lpi

should be enough.
At the beginning of step 3, DUB is automatically called to build 
the library.

on linux the shortcut to dexed must now include a special env 
change so that the shell sees the library. For example, the 
"Exec" value of the .desktop file should be

   env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path to dexed bin> <path to dexed 

mine concrectly is

   env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/dev/projects/dexed/bin 

on windows I think that a dll is still detected when it stands in 
the same folder as the exe requiring it. To be verified.

Everything is up to date here :
It just that nobody has tested if the windows version is still ok.

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