VisualD installer does not find visual studio 2019 community edition

exo1 f at f.f
Tue Jun 9 07:00:19 UTC 2020

On Tuesday, 9 June 2020 at 06:26:21 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
> How did you install VS? Latest version? Visual D searches the 
> installation database in the registry to find an appropriate 
> entry. Not sure what can go wrong there...

I had both vs 2019 build tools and vs 2019 community installed. 
So, when I tried to install VisualD the first time, I got options 
for integrating it with both the build tools and community, 
whether I selected both build tools and community or just 
community did not matter because it only installed the files into 
build tools folders and not into community.
So after that I uninstalled build tools, and then VisualD 
installer stopped showing me both build tools and community. 
(Also to note that the community edition was previously installed 
with installation nickname 2, however now I changed the nickname 
by modifying some files found on a answer to a stackoverflow 
Now, I though that something might have gone wrong because of the 
nickname stuff, so I "repaired" VS2019 community edition. Still 
Visual D installer did not work. Then I reinstalled VS2019 
community edition, it did not work. I tried starting the 
installer from a cmd prompt by first running vcvars_all.bat and 
then the installer, still nothing. I tried a few more things, it 
did not work.
So then finally I found out about clean uninstall which deletes 
every registry keys or whatever files it had created on disk as 
well. So I ran InstallCleanup.exe, uninstalled VS completely, 
reinstalled and then it finally worked.
(Also, to note that I restarted my computer everytime I 
repaired/reinstalled/did any changes to VS installation)

> As Sebastian mentioned this looks like a mismatch between 
> compiler versions, the parsing engine doesn't know these 
> pragmas yet.
> I've made a new beta updated to dmd 2.092:

I will try this updated version. However, what about these errors 
errors in imported modules:
Error: C:\D\dmd2\src\phobos\std\stdio.d(16): module 
`core.stdc.stddef` import `wchar_t` not found
Error: C:\D\dmd2\src\druntime\import\core\stdc\time.d(151): 
undefined identifier `time_t`, did you mean function `time`?
Error: C:\D\dmd2\src\druntime\import\core\stdc\time.d(151): 
undefined identifier `time_t`, did you mean function `time`?
Error: C:\D\dmd2\src\druntime\import\core\stdc\time.d(153): 
undefined identifier `time_t`, did you mean function `time`?
Error: C:\D\dmd2\src\druntime\import\core\stdc\time.d(153): 
undefined identifier `tm`
etc. etc.
I tried the older DMD version that comes bundled with VisualD 
installation and I get these errors on that version as well.

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