VS Code DSCanner doesn't like shortened method syntax

WebFreak001 d.forum at webfreak.org
Thu Dec 15 13:18:06 UTC 2022

On Tuesday, 13 December 2022 at 19:46:02 UTC, torhu wrote:
> Is there a way to have DScanner not put a red line under 
> definitions like this, besides disabling it alltogether?
> ```
> bool sleeping() => sleeping_;
> ```

The latest D-Scanner release supports this new syntax.

If you use code-d, you get this update automatically in the next 
release, or you can try out the pre-release right now.

To install nightly or pre-release versions of serve-d, go into 
the VSCode user settings (default shortcut: Ctrl-,), then go to 
the D section and set "Served Release Channel" to nightly or beta 
(JSON setting: "d.servedReleaseChannel": "nightly")

When done, reload VSCode to make code-d auto-download the new 
serve-d version.

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