Visual D dmdserver

frame frame86 at
Wed Jan 5 09:23:04 UTC 2022

On Wednesday, 5 January 2022 at 07:21:49 UTC, Rainer Schuetze 

> There is now an option to reinit semantic analysis when some 
> memory threshold is exceeded, see Tools->Options->Text 
> Editor->D->Intellisense->Restart parsing engine...

I don't have this option.

> Please attach the crash dump to a bug report at 
> .

I'm not allowed to :\

But interesting, scanning for strings revealed that:
"dmd.ctfeexpr......instantiated from here: 
`createUUID!()`.ypeInfo, string, const(char)[], void*, 
ulong)`.ring, const(char)[], void*, ulong)` error 
instantiating.cified twice on the command line.function with the 
same name?

So it seems it crashed on a CTFE exception.

>> ```
>> Would be nice if you could ship symbols with your package or 
>> make them accessible somehow.
> I've done this in the past, but never got a helpful bug report 
> as a result. I guess it's just as well to keep the symbols 
> locally.

Please rethink that. I don't want to build visualD for myself, I 
just want / allowed to use it but if there is any problem me or 
anyone else could quick give you a hint.

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