Is VisualD compatible with M1s?
WebFreak001 at
Mon Jun 13 14:16:54 UTC 2022
On Monday, 13 June 2022 at 11:37:33 UTC, tastyminerals wrote:
> On Monday, 13 June 2022 at 11:34:39 UTC, tastyminerals wrote:
>> It's been more than half a year since my last try. Still no
>> luck. The syntax highlighting works, but no autocompletion on
>> M1 Mac. I am using ldc compiler 1.27.1 and VisualD 0.23.2
>> plugin. Does anyone with M1 have it working?
> (facepalming) I meant code-d VSCode plugin of course...
I'm not sure what's broken on M1 right now. Are you on nightly
serve-d build? There have been some linker errors introduced
recently which I need to fix still to get nightly builds to work
again (just unittests broken though because of
You could try to compile serve-d from source yourself and put it
in code-d, although autocompletion with DCD might still not work
on M1 with the precompiled binaries.
Build serve-d:
git clone
cd serve-d
dub build --compiler=ldc2
then try to use it in code-d by setting the user setting
`d.servedPath` to `/path/to/serve-d` and reloading the window.
Then verify that basic syntax checking works in a simple hello
world project (test that you get red squiggly lines for syntax
- if this doesn't work serve-d fails to run somehow
if that works, try out if auto completion of local symbols work.
(define some function or variable named foobar and try to
autocomplete it in your main function)
- if this doesn't work DCD is broken
if that works, import std.stdio and try to autocomplete writeln
in your main function.
- if this doesn't work there is some problem with stdlib import
if that works, then DUB packages and build_commands.json should
work as well (if using supported feature sets)
if anything in that list doesn't work, send your error log or a
link to it here. (VSCode Output Tab -> code-d/serve-d log)
If it's just DCD that's broken you can try compiling that from
source as well:
git clone
cd DCD
dub build --compiler=ldc2 --config=server
and setting `d.dcdServerPath` to the resulting dcd-server binary
(in bin directory)
but do reply to here anyway if you needed to create any of these
self-compiled binaries.
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