Visual D dmdserver

frame frame86 at
Sat Mar 5 03:09:05 UTC 2022

On Monday, 14 February 2022 at 11:37:19 UTC, frame wrote:

> The error may occurred as I re-organized my modules and a type 
> became unavailable(?)
> The `typeSemantic` function is called with a null-argument 
> indeed:
> ```d
> type = null
> loc.filename = "..\dmd2\src\phobos\std\array.d"
> ```
> Something related to `Appender.put!`, to precise this line 
> (3513):
> ```d
> auto bigData = (() @trusted => _data.arr.ptr[0 .. len + 1])();
>                ^
> ```
> called from `ForeachType!` and my missing type, I assume. 
> Unfortunately, I only see the filename to my source file but 
> didn't found out the actual line number of the call yet (The 
> data I found hat a 0 line number).

I just ran into the same issue but this time I attached the 
debugger to a running process and step into some function. The 
error then occurred after loading a source file but I'm sure it 
has nothing to do with the source itself, it just happens from 
time to time. It dumps me a 2.5G file.

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