Visual D showing 0 for all addresses and values in debugger watch and locals

Rainer Schuetze r.sagitario at
Sun Nov 27 09:37:16 UTC 2022

On 27/11/2022 03:53, Karmello wrote:
> On Saturday, 26 November 2022 at 09:07:06 UTC, Karmello wrote:
>> Haven't used it much in a while but seemed to just start recently 
>> after upgrading everything. Probably some new bug. If I recall, this 
>> happened before. Happens in x64 and x86 with any debugger mode. Seems 
>> like whatever code queries values has broken. Also noticed I'm not 
>> getting intellisense.
> This seems to happen only when hexidecimal display is shown and only for 
> numbers as strings are shown. Return 0 for int's, floats, addresses, 
> etc. Seems the hexidecimal converter is broken and returns 0 for 
> everything.

I cannot reproduce here. Can you give an example and describe how you 
compile it?

Is the debugger actually using the D expression evaluator? You can check 
this by looking at the language column in the call stack window: it 
should show "D".

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