Emacs - Org Babel with D

Betty King jimbrett0712 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 07:54:57 UTC 2024

On Thursday, 25 April 2024 at 20:00:30 UTC, Peter Williamson 
> Has anyone successfully set up org-babel to use D?
> I tried following the instructions here: 
> https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-C.html
> However, I get an error telling me that it can't seem to find 
> the D compiler.
> "No org-babel-execute function for D!" 
> [url=https://iogames.games/]io games[/url]
> M-x customize-group org-babel
> is the recommended solution, but that the customize buffer 
> doesn't seem to be letting me edit anything...

Install D Compiler: First, you need to install a D compiler on 
your system. The most popular D compilers are DMD (Digital Mars D 
Compiler) and GDC (GNU D Compiler). You can download and install 
them from the official D language website

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