serve-d.exe bug

WebFreak001 at
Thu Mar 21 10:49:29 UTC 2024

On Wednesday, 13 March 2024 at 21:48:02 UTC, Loire wrote:
> serve-d_0.7.6-windows-x86_64
> A successful shutdown request/response and then a request
> ```JS
> {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":6,"method":"exit"}
> ```
> gave a response
> ```JS
> {"error":{"code":-32601,"data":null,"message":"Request method 
> exit not found"},"id":6,"jsonrpc":"2.0"}
> ```

you specified an `"id"`, which makes this a request and not a 
notification (thus the "Request method not found" error), which 
would require a response.

Remove the `"id"` to make it a notification like the spec says, 
then serve-d will handle it properly.

Also you are looking at an old spec version there - it's easy to 
miss updates on it if you e.g. bookmark the pages, so a friendly 
reminder to check that you are implementing the right spec 
version right now.

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