MinGW-w64 runtime library inclusion (Clang-compiled) for proper Win64 support?

kink noone at nowhere.com
Sat Jun 15 14:12:11 PDT 2013

Of course it is an ABI issue. Since MS doesn't support the x87 
type, it obviously isn't mentioned in the Win64 ABI docs. Clang's 
ABI assumes it is passed by-val on the stack whereas in LDC we 
treat it as a struct > 64 bits and hence pass it by-ref (a 
pointer to a private copy for the callee, allocated by the 
caller; the Win64 way of passing larger structs by-val). Clang 
returns an x87 in the ST(0) x87 register and LDC expects the 
result there - perfect. I guess I'll have to modify Clang/LLVM 
further to pass x87s by-ref, that seems more appropriate to me.
This shouldn't be a problem for Win32 though as x87s should be 
passed ordinarily by-val.

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