Win64, merge-2.067, LLVM master, VS 2015 - current status

Dan Olson via digitalmars-d-ldc digitalmars-d-ldc at
Sun May 17 00:36:38 PDT 2015

Dan Olson < at> writes:

> "kinke" <noone at> writes:
>> I've just tried storing another reference to the main Thread as
>> `static Thread core.thread.Thread.sm_mainDummy`, and the object isn't
>> destroyed anymore. So `gshared` seems to be the problem. And most
>> likely all other targets are affected too by this bug.
> Could sections_ldc.initSections() be neglecting the BSS section?  I
> noticed the version(Win64) code has:
>         if (_bss_start__ != null)
>         {
>             pushRange(&_bss_start__, &_bss_end__);
>         }

I don't have a Windows host available right now, but am assuming that
_bss_start__ is a symbol created by linker that overlays first variable
in BSS, which very likely is 0 because it is in BSS.  But again, just

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