Generating Javascript or asm.js from LDC?
Laeeth Isharc via digitalmars-d-ldc
digitalmars-d-ldc at
Sat Sep 5 06:11:45 PDT 2015
On Saturday, 5 September 2015 at 12:51:20 UTC, Laeeth Isharc
> On Saturday, 5 September 2015 at 01:32:43 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe
> wrote:
>> On Friday, 4 September 2015 at 18:47:06 UTC, Laeeth Isharc
>> wrote:
>>> Is this by any chance possible?
>> I'm not entirely sure myself, but my theory is if you can feed
>> the llvm code out of ldc and into the emscripten backend...
>> the basics should just work, D can pretend to be C, and we
>> build up from there. Indeed, the whole D runtime might even
>> build - if we're really lucky - since some Linux functions are
>> apparently supported by emscripten.
>> But I haven't actually tried doing it.
> I'd love to try, and will if/when I get the time.
> There's value to me in being able to have a single codebase
> because I am less interested in doing anything that looks
> superb from a presentation point of view and more interested in
> web as one platform for some simple tools I have been working
> on.
for example I have a charting application. at the moment I just
use MathGL (no relation to OpenGL) to generate a static PNG. I'd
like to turn that into something interactive. will need a native
client, but a web one as a backup. so would be great to have a
single codebase.
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