LDC 1.1.0-beta6

Soulsbane via digitalmars-d-ldc digitalmars-d-ldc at puremagic.com
Wed Dec 14 01:28:23 PST 2016

On Tuesday, 13 December 2016 at 19:52:40 UTC, kinke wrote:
> Hey all,
> on behalf of the LDC team I am proud to announce the new 
> 1.1.0-beta6 release!
> It's based on the 2.071.2 frontend and standard library and 
> supports LLVM 3.5 up to current trunk (4.0).
> Beta 6 is what beta 4 should have been, but early testing 
> revealed some issues (thanks for reporting!) before official 
> announcements were made, so we're at beta 6 now and looking 
> forward to a final release, depending on your feedback!
> The highlights of this release are Link-Time Optimization, DLL 
> exports on Windows and, as always, a multitude of bugfixes.
> This time, we only provide binaries for Linux, OS X and 
> Windows; the usual FreeBSD and Linux/ARM (armv7hf) ones are 
> missing due to limited manpower.
> Changelog and downloads: 
> https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc/releases/tag/v1.1.0-beta6
> All binaries are built with LLVM 3.9.
> * The Linux x86/x86_64 binaries are built on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 
> and work on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (or later) without installing 
> additional software.
> * The OS X binaries are built on OS X 10.10 and require at 
> least OS X 10.8.
> * The Windows binaries are built on Windows 10 with Visual 
> Studio 2015 (update 3). They require a VS2015 or Visual C++ 
> Build Tools installation for linking (and depend on the Visual 
> C++ 2015 runtime). The 64-bit package is a multilib one capable 
> of targeting x86 via `-m32`.
> Please be sure to report any bugs at 
> https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc/issues.
> Thanks to everybody involved in making this happen!
> Regards,
> kinke

I have a problem when compiling a project that uses LuaD. I don't 
see any issues reported yet on LuaD's github so I'm not sure 
where the problem originates.

Anyway I get this when linking:
../../../.dub/packages/luad-master/luad/.dub/build/library-release-linux.posix-x86_64-ldc_0-B1357DF9F0EC274CDA75A2B3B084BCDA/libluad.a(luad.state.o): In function `_D4luad5state8LuaState8openLibsMFNeZv':
../../../.dub/packages/luad-master/luad/luad/state.d:(.text._D4luad5state8LuaState8openLibsMFNeZv[_D4luad5state8LuaState8openLibsMFNeZv]+0xf): undefined reference to `luaL_openlibs'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Everything works fine with DMD though.

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