What is the LDC organization / product name?

kinke noone at nowhere.com
Mon Nov 6 18:53:30 UTC 2017

On Monday, 6 November 2017 at 13:02:46 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:
> Hi,
> to use LDC within in house products I have to upload LDC to an 
> internal Nexus (Maven) repository. I need to specify a group Id 
> which should follow the structure: organization + "download" + 
> product name.
> For DMD I used
> group id: org.dlang.download.dmd
> version: 2.076.1
> Is the product ldc or ldc2? The actual release files indicates 
> ldc2 while other parts indicates ldc. What would you use as 
> organization?
> My current idea is to use as
> group id: com.github/ldc-developers.download.ldc2
> version: 1.5.0
> Kind regards
> André

I'd suggest `org.ldc-developers.download.ldc`, but as it's for 
internal use only, it shouldn't really matter.

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