Would changing the ldc version numbering to match dmd affect you?

Joakim dlang at joakim.fea.st
Fri Jun 29 15:11:05 UTC 2018

On Friday, 29 June 2018 at 08:33:36 UTC, Mr.Bingo wrote:
> On Saturday, 2 June 2018 at 11:16:47 UTC, Joakim wrote:
>> There is a pull under consideration to change ldc's version 
>> number to match dmd's 2.08x numbering, with a different ldc 
>> patch version to keep some flexibility, ie ldc 2.080.0 would 
>> be released with the dmd 2.080.1 frontend instead of the 
>> recent numbering of ldc 1.9.0 with the dmd 2.079.1 frontend:
>> https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc/pull/2673
>> If you package ldc for some package repository, as I do with 
>> the Termux package repository for Android, please chime in if 
>> this version numbering jump might cause a problem for you, 
>> either here or on the pull.
>> If you're a user who might be affected by this, your input is 
>> welcome too, please chime in here.
> If you are going to do this then you need to make the versions 
> identical! Don't have them off on some minor version.
> If someone see's ldc 2.080.0 then they are going to naturally 
> think it goes with dmd 2.080.0, not some other version.
> If you need minor versions of that then extend it to ldc 
> or 2.080.0:32

That seems clunky.

> This way there is always a direct and natural consistency 
> between ldc and dmd. If you are going to make the versions 
> correlate there is really no reason not to make them 
> identical... it simplifies everything.

As mentioned in that thread, it gives us leeway to release a 
patch version of ldc that's not tied to the patch version of dmd, 
as has historically already been done with ldc 1.1.1 and 1.1.0, 
both based on the dmd 2.071.2 frontend:


Since we always use the last patch release of dmd for the 
corresponding ldc x.0 release, there's no real confusion, because 
we don't put out every dmd patch release in between.

> Basically whatever version of dmd ldc is compiled for is the 
> version of that ldc.

This is basically going to be the case, as the ldc patch versions 
will likely be sporadic and with minor changes, as can be seen in 
the past.

The only possible confusion will be with the differing patch 
versions, which is still less confusing than the current 
numbering, and likely won't ever matter.

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