Bundle LDC with Visual D

Mike Parker aldacron at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 07:45:07 UTC 2019

On Friday, 9 August 2019 at 07:29:20 UTC, IGotD- wrote:
> No it would not be ok distribute LDC with visual studio for me. 
> I like LDC because it is stand alone, you can just put it 
> somewhere without any installer and it works. Also Visual D is 
> Windows only but LDC works with many architectures, so for many 
> Visual D would just be extra baggage.

He is not asking to ship Visual D in the LDC distribution. He's 
asking if it's okay to include LDC in the Visual D distribution:

"I have prepared an installer of Visual D that comes with both 
DMD and LDC"

> I think perhaps you meant to bundle Visual D with LDC or DMD?

The way the verb "bundle" is typically used, "bundle A with B" 
means putting A inside the B package. (The same can be said about 
your usage of "distribute" in "distribute LDC with visual studio" 
in the first paragraph). So no, "bundle Visual D with LDC or DMD" 
is not what he means.

So if I'm properly reading the intent behind your words, you've 
got it backwards :-) What you're suggesting is actually what he's 

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