Bundle LDC with Visual D

kinke noone at nowhere.com
Fri May 31 07:36:42 UTC 2019

On Friday, 31 May 2019 at 07:23:36 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:
> To the LDC maintainers:
> Thanks for your excellent work on LDC!
> I have prepared an installer of Visual D that comes with both 
> DMD and LDC, so there is no hassle for new users to get up and 
> running (at least if they use Visual Studio). I'm planning to 
> add Visual D to the Visual Studio Gallery to make it 
> discoverable from inside Visual Studio, too.
> Before going live I think it might be good to ask: Is it ok 
> with you to distribute LDC with Visual D?
> Rainer

Sounds great, thx for your work.

Pls provide some more details - will there be a fixed bundled 
version, or will the installer download the latest stable version 
on demand? What package is it, the official multilib one?

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