Where is the arm-none-eabi target?

IGotD- nise at nise.com
Sat Mar 14 22:36:40 UTC 2020

On Saturday, 14 March 2020 at 12:51:30 UTC, kinke wrote:
> Note that druntime and the compiler are tightly coupled because 
> both depend on each other, so you should always use the 
> corresponding LDC version to compile druntime. I.e., not trying 
> to build our current druntime (branch `ldc`) with LDC v1.20, 
> nor trying to build druntime v1.20/2.090 with older LDC 
> versions. ldc-build-runtime usually handles that for you. - The 
> atomic intrinsics have been reworked recently.

I'm using LDC 1.20.1. I cloned the entire LDC git for my changes 
in the runtime and the version for druntime in particular is 

Date:   Tue Feb 25 01:50:21 2020 +0100

     ldc.intrinsics: Add support for LLVM 11 (#173)

Latest tag is ldc-v1.20.0 three commits earlier and I don't find 
any tag for 1.20.1 so my git might be a bit old.

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