Having trouble cross-compiling from linux to windows

Sergey kornburn at yandex.ru
Sat Jan 14 22:16:35 UTC 2023

I don't have ability to test it, but try this How-To:

* download LDC for Linux
* download LDC for Windows (multilib)
* extract LDC for Linux somewhere - it will be $LDC_PATH
* add to $PATH : $LDC_PATH/bin
* extract LDC for Windows and move folders lib32 and lib64 to 
<LDC_PATH>/win-lib32 and <LDC_PATH>/win_lib64
* add rows below to the $LDC_PATH/etc/ldc2.conf:
       switches = [
       lib-dirs = [

       switches = [
       lib-dirs = [
* to build use
```dub build --arch=x86_64-pc-windows-msvc```

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