Error: Instruction does not dominate all uses!

Renato renato at
Tue Jan 9 20:40:48 UTC 2024

I was writing some pretty basic stuff when suddenly my code 
stopped compiling with LDC on release mode.

I got the commit which introduced the problem:

Basically, I started using the `std.datetime.systime` module.

With DMD, I can still compile with release mode:

▶ dub build -c exe -b release
     Starting Performing "release" build using 
/Users/renato/dlang/dmd-2.106.1/osx/bin/dmd for x86_64.
     Building console-colors 1.2.0: building configuration 
     Building dzipper ~main: building configuration [exe]
      Linking dzipper

But with LDC, I get this error:

▶ dub build -c exe -b release
     Starting Performing "release" build using 
/Users/renato/dlang/ldc-1.35.0/bin/ldc2 for x86_64.
   Up-to-date console-colors 1.2.0: target for configuration 
[library] is up to date.
     Building dzipper ~main: building configuration [exe]
Error: Instruction does not dominate all uses!
   %93 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %4, i64 12
   %91 = bitcast i8* %93 to i32*
Instruction does not dominate all uses!
   %30 = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* %4, i64 10
   %28 = bitcast i8* %30 to i32*

Error /Users/renato/dlang/ldc-1.35.0/bin/ldc2 failed with exit 
code 1.

Without `-b release`, it works.

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