Building for ARM 32-bit embedded

Bonsaipanda jukka.korhonen at
Fri Oct 11 23:11:54 UTC 2024

On Friday, 11 October 2024 at 22:31:21 UTC, kinke wrote:
> Which documentation are you referring to?

That exact page, section "Cross-linking executables and shared 
libraries". Coming from completely outside D language (and never 
having done any cross-compiling), that whole section is very 
confusing and took a while to digest. I was just so used to 
everything being super straightforward with C. Was scratching my 
head as to why it was done how it was done with D. I would 
probably use the kind of shorthand I was talking about as the 
default and if the user needs to tweak their chain, then point to 
a conf.

CG was pretty good at explaining what is happening under the hood 
and what is expected from me when setting up the whole toolchain, 
which is why I fired up my Raspberry Pi just to get a build out 
of the oven, seemed much more straightforward.

And yes, it's not a lot of effort, once it's up and running. But 
you really *really* need to have a hyperdeep understanding of 
buildsystems and toolchains to get it running. For a beginner 
like me, it was an interesting experience.

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