Harmonising certain command line switches between GDC and LDC

JamesRScheller stuartheccleston at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 25 04:04:20 UTC 2024

On Saturday, 27 May 2023 at 01:11:59 UTC, Cecil Ward wrote:
> Would it be possible for the maintainers of GDC and LDC to both 
> support certain switches in use by the other compiler in order 
> to reduce the frustration of this one grumpy user?
> I keep switching back and forth between -frelease and -release,
> and -march and -mcpu (is that even correct)?
> I’m not sure what I should be doing to get LDC correctly 
> matched with -mtune and -march.
> I have of course ended up having to write batch files to 
> abstract these annoyances away. When I’m examining generated 
> code for my own correctness in godbolt.org Matt Godbolt’s 
> Compiler Explorer, that’s when it drives me bonkers having to 
> correct the switches when I switch 
> https://poppyplaytimechapter3.io/ between compilers.
> It’s just a small thing, I know, but it would be nice to 
> harmonise, and not too much work.

I think yes
As it would be beneficial for the GDC and LDC maintainers to 
harmonize some command line switches to reduce confusion for 
users who frequently switch between the two compilers. 
Implementing a standardized approach would improve the user 
experience and streamline the development process in that it 
would be easier for developers to focus on their code rather than 
configuring the compiler.

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