Conditional compilation and DDoc

Derek Parnell derek at psyc.ward
Thu Aug 17 14:54:52 PDT 2006

On Thu, 17 Aug 2006 13:21:32 +0200, Lutger wrote:
>> I can think of one, less than ideal 
>> workaround (haven't tried it yet): using build, move the macro's to ddoc 
>> files and then use something like this:
>> version (Foo)
>> {
>>     version (build) { pragma(include, macros\foo.ddoc); }
>>     else pragma(msg, "warning, foo doc macro not included, use build");
>> }
> It works, thanks to build.

LOL ... nice little tool, that ;-)

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
"Down with mediocrity!"

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