Numeric access to char[]
nobody at
Tue Aug 22 17:43:12 PDT 2006
Regan Heath wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Aug 2006 01:30:23 +0200, Peter Thomassen
> <info at> wrote:
>> nobody schrieb am Dienstag, 22. August 2006 00:54:
>>>> how is it possible to work on the numeric value of a char[]? I'm
>>>> interested in bit shifting and arithmetic operations on the numeric
>>>> value.
>>> I am pretty sure you can just treat a char as a ubyte. The char type
>>> is 8
>>> bits and unsigned. However if it makes it easier for you then you might
>>> try this:
>>> int main(char[][] args)
>>> {
>>> ubyte[] num1 = cast(ubyte) args[0];
>>> }
>> When casting to ubyte[], this works fine. But I actually meant the
>> numeric
>> value of char[], not the one of char. Do I need to construct it from the
>> single chars, or can I, for example, right-shift a whole char[] by 1?
> Depends what exactly you're trying to do, perhaps this:
> import std.stdio;
> void main()
> {
> char[] c = "azAZ";
> int val;
> val = (cast(int*)c.ptr)[0..1][0];
> //writef("(%02d)%08b",c[0],c[0]);
> //writef(",(%02d)%08b",c[1],c[1]);
> //writef(",(%02d)%08b",c[2],c[2]);
> //writefln(",(%02d)%08b",c[3],c[3]);
> writefln("%032b",val);
> val >>= 1;
> writefln("%032b",val);
> }
> Regan
> p.s. nobody got the ascii values backward ('A' is 65, 'a' is 97)
> it's nobody's fault really.. nobody is to blame..
I sure did. :-)
> "nobody" I love the nick.. have you read the "Deverry" novels by
> "Katherine Kerr"?
Not yet but I am always looking for good stuff to read. I would guess Nobody
comes from Dead Man on some subconscious level:
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