What scripting language should I use

Derek Parnell derek at nomail.afraid.org
Thu Dec 14 17:21:25 PST 2006

On Fri, 15 Dec 2006 03:07:54 +0200, Jari-Matti Mäkelä wrote:

> I've decided to create my next big game in D. It will be a rpg using D
> in the lower level stuff and an integrated scripting language for the
> game logic. Now, the only thing I'm not sure about is the scripting
> language. It needs to be object oriented / functional and somewhat
> portable (linux & windows).
> I've searched the dsource site. There is already more or less complete
> support for
>  - python (pyd)
>  - ecmascript (dmdscript, walnut)
>  - minid
>  - lua (bindings lualib, dlua)
>  - squirrel (bindings)
>  - euphoria (freudo)
>  - lisp (dlisp)
> Maybe there are other production ready implementations not listed here?
> It seems the pyd, minid and dmdscript projects are well maintained.
> The best option would be to fully integrate the scripting engine to my
> game. Using it via the C ABI should be ok, but requires a bit extra work.
> Which one should I take. I don't want to end up using vaporware. The
> miniD projects looks interesting. I know dmdscript works, but I think
> those other languages might be better suited for my game.

Go with miniD. 

The freudo's Euphoria is a good six-months away from being usable and the
Euphoria from RDS doesn't integrate well as a scripting language (IMHO).

(skype: derek.j.parnell)
Melbourne, Australia
"Down with mediocrity!"
15/12/2006 12:19:11 PM

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