Error: shadowing declaration is deprecated

Ary Manzana ary at
Sun Dec 24 15:19:59 PST 2006

jicman escribió:
> == Quote from Bill Baxter's article
>> jicman wrote:
>>> Greetings!
>>> this code,
>>>   foreach(char[] u; FPUsers)
>>>   {
>>>   }
>>> results in,
>>> Error: shadowing declaration jic.libs.FPSDK.FindUser.u is
> deprecated.
>>> Will anyone explain this to me?  I tried to do a search on it,
> but I couldn't
>>> anything related to this.  Found other integer arrays, but
> nothing about
>>> char[].  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
>>> jos�
>> It means you have another variable named 'u' in the same function
>> declared somewhere before that foreach loop.  The theory is that
> many
>> times these are bugs, and when they are they can be hard to spot.
>> I'm not totally enamored with the feature myself, since I don't
> recall
>> ever really been bitten by it, but I have happily shadowed
> variables in
>> the past when it suited me.  Especially little dummy
> counter/placeholder
>> variables like your 'c' above.
>> But anyway, that's what the error means.  Just rename 'c' to c2 or
> cc or d.
>> --bb
> Ok, I'll buy that, but this is not working either:
> char[] u;
> foreach(u; FPUsers)
> {
> }
> That should work.

But probably in your code there is some other variable "u" defined, 
previous to the "char[] u" line. Check that.


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