is it possible to define a property to access (read/write) a matrix? (I.e., more dimensions than a vector)

Charles D Hixson charleshixsn at
Sat Jul 29 11:09:43 PDT 2006

Hasan Aljudy wrote:
> Charles D Hixson wrote:
>> Hasan Aljudy wrote:
>>> Charles D Hixson wrote:
>>>> Mike Parker wrote:
>>>>> Charles D Hixson wrote:
>>>>>> ...
>>> Note that float vals[][] in D is actually a jagged array.
>>> I think it would be a better idea to store the matrix internally as a
>>> one-dimensional array.
>> I'm sure you're right.  I'd planned to allocate a static
>> array at run time, but apparently that only works for one
>> dimensional which case (I think) I do just as
>> well by using a dynamic array and setting the length before
>> I use it.
> uhh .. static array means array allocated at compile time ^_^'
Which is probably where I went wrong.  I was thinking of
"fixed size" as opposed to "dynamic", so I was figuring that
I could allocate a "static" (i.e. fixed size) doubly indexed
array on the stack.  It's no big just means that I
need to code in an index method (ndx = row + col*(# rows) ).

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