DDoc - Creating sections around declaration docs

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 3 14:25:49 PDT 2006

Basically the problem is that I want to write some documentation that gives 
an overview of a few functions.  This is because I have a lot of groups of 
functions which work together.  I guess an example would best show what I 
want to do; this is what I want to end up with for my docs:

class UtensilDrawer
    This is a class which manages all kinds of utensils.

>>> Sorting Functions
    All these functions sort utensils, but each only operates on a certain
    kind of utensil.  Utensils are sorted so they line up all nice.

void sortForks()
    Sorts all the forks.

void sortKnives()
    Sorts all the knives.

void sortSpoons()
    Sorts all the spoons.

void sortAll()
    Sorts all utensils in the drawer.

>>> Query Functions
    These functions are for seeing if certain kinds of utensils are in
    the drawer.  All these functions will return true if any utensil
    matches the given query, and will return false otherwise.

bool hasSteakKnife()
    Sees if there are any steak knives in the drawer.

bool hasSoupSpoon()
    Sees if there are any soup spoons in the drawer.

Notice the parts with the >>> on them.  The main problem I have with 
generating this is that doc comments are only emitted along with 
declarations, so I can't just create some documentation that isn't attached 
to just one thing.

Has anyone achieved anything similar, or is DDoc too restrictive to allow 

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