getting filesystem type or accurate file write time

Regan Heath regan at
Tue Jun 13 14:50:36 PDT 2006

On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 15:57:39 +0000 (UTC), <simon.hodson at> wrote:
> Anyone know an easy way of getting the last write time of a file into a  
> UTC time
> regardless of the source filesystem?
> I need to equate update times on source files and have found that these  
> times
> can be different under Windows when the source files are stored on  
> different
> filesystems. NTFS uses UTC with no TimeZone) and FAT uses UTC with a  
> TimeZone.
> The resolution also appears to be different too, but I'll worry about  
> that
> later.
> Looks as though I need to find out the filesystem the source file is on  
> then
> make the correct translation to UTC.
> Anyone got any ideas?

In C, you would use the "stat" function, combined with "gmtime". You can  
use both in D too:

import std.stdio;
import std.c.time;

extern (C) {
	struct _stat {
		int st_dev;
		ushort st_ino;
		ushort st_mode;
		short st_nlink;
		short st_uid;
		short st_gid;
//		uint st_rdev;
		int st_size;
		int st_atime;
		int st_mtime;
		int st_ctime;
	int stat(char *path, _stat *buffer);

void main()
	_stat buf;
	tm *tm;	
	File f;	
	f = new File("test36.txt",FileMode.Out);
	f.writeLine("Line 1");
	f.writeLine("Line 2");

	if (stat("test36.txt",&buf) == -1) writefln("FAIL");
	else {
		writefln("st_dev: ",buf.st_dev);
		writefln("st_ino: ",buf.st_ino);
		writefln("st_mode: ",buf.st_mode);
		writefln("st_nlink: ",buf.st_nlink);
		writefln("st_uid: ",buf.st_uid);
		writefln("st_gid: ",buf.st_gid);
		writefln("st_size: ",buf.st_size);
		writefln("st_atime: ",buf.st_atime);
		writefln("st_mtime: ",buf.st_mtime);
		writefln("st_ctime: ",buf.st_ctime);
	tm = localtime(&buf.st_atime);
	if (tm) writefln("Access Time(LCL): ",asctime(tm)[0..24]);
	tm = gmtime(&buf.st_atime);
	if (tm) writefln("Access Time(GMT): ",asctime(tm)[0..24]);
	tm = localtime(&buf.st_mtime);
	if (tm) writefln("Modification Time(LCL): ",asctime(tm)[0..24]);
	tm = gmtime(&buf.st_mtime);
	if (tm) writefln("Modification Time(GMT): ",asctime(tm)[0..24]);
	tm = localtime(&buf.st_ctime);
	if (tm) writefln("Creation Time(LCL): ",asctime(tm)[0..24]);
	tm = gmtime(&buf.st_ctime);
	if (tm) writefln("Creation Time(GMT): ",asctime(tm)[0..24]);


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