Self-referencing template parameters

Erik Rasmussen i_am_erik at
Mon Mar 20 03:03:38 PST 2006

One way that I have found java's generics to be useful is in doing 
something like this:

public abstract class Animal<T extends Animal<T>>
   public abstract T[] procreate(T mate);

public class Monkey extends Animal<Monkey>
   public Monkey[] procreate(Monkey mate)
      // make sweet monkey love

Although you're not strictly forced to by the compiler, if you make it a 
policy to always make your template variable the same as your concrete 
subclass, then you have forced any class that extends Animal to provide 
a way to "procreate" with its own kind.

I seem to be unable to implement this pattern in D.  The following 
doesn't work:

abstract class Animal(T : Animal!(T))
   abstract T[] procreate(T mate);

It doesn't like that template definition on the first line.  It says, 
"template instance does not match any template declaration".

Any ideas?


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