De-Referencing A Pointer

Rory Starkweather Rory_member at
Tue Mar 21 10:10:01 PST 2006

In article <dvp95v$krm$1 at>, NoBoDy says...
>VB6 internally stores strings in UNICODE.
>When calling external functions VB6 uses stub to convert string to/from ANSI
>If you want to pass string from VB in Unicode use declaration like this:
>Declare Function findChar Lib "..." (ByVal t As LONG) As Long
>and call that function as:
>retValue = findChar(StrPtr("Some string"))
>this will pass pointer to UNICODE string to externall function findChar

Now that I hadn't seen before. If I can get it to work, it will solve a whole
bunch of problems. Thanks.


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