Linking OpenGL and SDL OSX 10.4

Johan Granberg lijat.meREM at
Thu Mar 30 13:31:49 PST 2006

James Pelcis wrote:
> Hello.  Although I made those bindings, it doesn't surprise me that they 
> can't be used.  The problem is that I don't own a Mac.
> As I understand things, the headers still need to be compiled and 
> linked.  If you don't do that, you'll be calling a non-existent 
> function.  The major caveat is that _glextern.d should NOT be linked in 
> or GLUT fonts might not work (on some operating system, at least).
> Further than that, I can't really help other than to apply whatever 
> fixes are needed.

If anyone is intrested I solved the problem by using the opengl bindings 
from the glfw project and as a result I'm now using glfw instead of sdl.

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