export classes from DLLs

John C johnch_atms at hotmail.com
Mon May 8 07:16:02 PDT 2006

Anyone ever got classes to export from DLLs correctly? I've searched the 
forum and it seems each effort has only got so far.

Using a factory method in the DLL works, but that's not what I'm trying 
to accomplish. If I try to create an instance in a program using the 
DLL, the compiler complains about an undefined symbol.

mydll.d implementation module
# // DllMain/gc_init etc omitted for brevity
# export class Dog {
# 	export static Dog create() {
# 		return new Dog;
# 	}
# 	char[] bark() {
# 		return "Woof";
# 	}
# }

mydll.di import module
# class Dog {
# 	static Dog create();
# 	char[] bark();
# }

# LIBRARY "mydll.dll"

Compile DLL and create import library
 > dmd mydll mydll.def
 > implib /system mydll.lib mydll.dll

# import mydll;
# void main() {
# 	// Dog dog = Dog.create(); // This works
#	Dog dog = new Dog; // This doesn't
# 	dog.bark();
# }

Compile program
 > dmd program mydll.lib

This produces the following error:
 > program.obj
 > Error 42: Symbol undefined __Class_7program3Dog

Adding __Class_7program3Dog to the EXPORTS list kills the error, but 
then the program throws an access violation.

When I compile classes into a static library (no DLL), this problem 
doesn't surface.

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