max() in phobos, and English logic operators
David Qualls
davidlqualls at
Tue Nov 7 21:35:14 PST 2006
== Quote from Sean Kelly (sean at's article
> Bill Baxter wrote:
> > Is there a generic 'max' function anywhere in phobos?
> > The closest I could find was std.math.fmax().
> Not that works for all input types, as far as I know. However,
> something like the code below should work. ...
...much code omitted...
> template max( T, U )
> {
> largestOrConvertible!(T,U) max( T t, U u )
> {
> return t > u ? t : u;
> }
> }
> template min( T, U )
> {
> largestOrConvertible!(T,U) min( T t, U u )
> {
> return t < u ? t : u;
> }
> }
So, is it possible to use templates to define generic binary
operators; like 'and' and 'or', or a unary operator like 'not'?
After looking at the mass of code it takes to implement a simple
generic max() or min() function in D, I'm really starting to pine
for my C preprocessor...
#define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
Yeah, I know it breaks if a or b include side effects, but it's
extremely READABLE! (And back on my old soap-box, even FORTRAN and
Basic include English binary logic operators ;-)
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