Has anyone been able to debug with VS2005?

Ary Manzana ary at esperanto.org.ar
Sat Nov 11 18:36:08 PST 2006

Bill Baxter escribió:
> Jim Hewes wrote:
> I think most people would agree with you here.  Just someone has to 
> write it.  There's some momentum picking up recently on an Eclipse 
> plugin, but even that's aiming more for the Intellisense side, with no 
> plans for debugging support just yet.

Just because I don't want to say "the plugin will support a, b, c, ..., 
z". Seeing such a list scares me and I think "I'll never make it". 
Besides, I have no experience with debuggers at all. But I think 
debugging is not the most important thing.

If you do test-driven programming (I've been using it since a while and 
now I can't go back... it just feels not right doing it some other way) 
the thing you'll use most is refactoring, and if to refactor you have to 
manually verify, compile, find errors, correct them, etc., you'll 
quickly get tired. I plan to support refactoring.

> If you'd like to get involved in that project I'm sure they'd welcome a 
> seasoned command-line hacker from the 80's.  :-)  Particularly if you've 
> got expertise in writing debuggers. :-D

You are totally right. :-)

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