D CGI Hang with fgets

Carlos Santander csantander619 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 27 05:54:51 PST 2006

Morgan McDermott escribió:
> Hi there!
>  I'm trying to make a D CGI script, and one of the essential things it 
> should do is to get POST data. My attempt below in D hangs at fgets()... 
> I've made it output to a file so that it may be tested on a webserver 
> (where I've been testing it). When the script has POST data to get, it 
> performs exactly the same as it does in the console (hangs at fgets()).
> I've been using a guide to C and CGI as my reference here:
> http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/forms/cgic.html
> <code>
> //Imports
> import std.stdio; //writefln()
> import std.string; //toString()
> import std.date : getUTCtime; // time + benchmarking
> import std.conv; //toInt()
> import std.stream; //testing only
> alias char[] string; //ease of use
> void writeNewLine(string line, string filename) {
>     std.file.append(filename, line~"\n");
> }
> extern (C)
>     {
>         char* getPOSTData(uint len = 2048){
>             char *prawData;

Have you tried initializing prawData?
prawData = new char [len];  // or similar

>             printf("hang?");
>             writeNewLine("Hanging point entered \n", "baz.txt");
>             prawData = fgets(prawData, len+1, stdin);
>             writeNewLine("Hanging point exited \n", "baz.txt");
>             printf("Not hanging.. =-)");
>             return prawData;
>         }
>     }
> extern (C) char* getenv(char*);
> void main() {
>     string introduction = "New test at " ~ toString(getUTCtime());
>     writeNewLine(introduction, "baz.txt");
>     char *pdataLength= getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
>     string scontentLength = toString(pdataLength);
>     //Ensure no conversion error when no post data is passed
>         if(scontentLength == ""){
>             scontentLength = "0";
>         }
>     uint contentLength = toInt(scontentLength);
>     char *ppostData = getPOSTData();
>     writefln("Post Data: %s", toString(ppostData));
>     writeNewLine("Post Data: " ~ toString(ppostData), "baz.txt");
> }
> </code>
> Any ideas?
> Thank you very much for your time,
>  ~Morgan McDermott

Carlos Santander Bernal

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