Template docs

rm roel.mathys at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 09:47:18 PDT 2006

Josh Stern wrote:
> The "Limitations" section of the language page on templates,
> http://www.digitalmars.com/d/template.html  is confusing.   In 
> particular, the sentence and example "Templates cannot be used 
> to add non-static members or functions to classes. For example:
> *************************************************
> class Foo
> {
>     template TBar(T)
>     {
> 	T xx;			// Error
> 	int func(T) { ... }	// Error
> 	static T yy;				// Ok
> 	static int func(T t, int y) { ... } 	// Ok
> }
> *******************************************************************
> What is the "Error" in the code above?   Are the docs just out of
> date?  The following apparently equivalent code, exercising template
> member functions and data, declared within the enclosing class and 
> outside it, seems to compile and run fine:
> ********************************************************************
> import std.stdio;
> class OBar(T) {
>   T xx;
>   this(T v) { xx = v; }
>   double func(T t) { return t*5; }
> }
> class BadFoo {
>   class TBar(T) {
>     T xx;
>     this(T v) { xx = v; }
>     double func(T t) { return t*5; }
>   }
>   this() { 
>     d_obar = new OBar!(double)(7.69); 
>     d_tbar = new TBar!(double)(8.1);
>   }
>   OBar!(double) d_obar;
>   TBar!(double) d_tbar;
>   double func(T)(T t) { return d_tbar.func(t); }
> }
> class Foo(T) {
>   this(T t) { d_foo=t; }
>   T val() { return d_foo; }
>   T d_foo;
> }
> class Test1 {
>   this(double d) { d_m = d; d_d_foo = new Foo!(double)(3.14159);  }
>   double prod(T)(T t) { return t*d_d_foo.val(); }
>   double d_m;
>   Foo!(double) d_d_foo;
> }
> void main() {
>   Test1 t1 = new Test1(3.14);
>   BadFoo bf = new BadFoo;
>   writefln(t1.prod(5));
>   writefln(bf.func(5));
> }
> ***********************************************************************

in your 2 examples I see 1 big difference,
in the first example you templatize (is it a word?) part of the
declaration of the class.
in the second example the whole class is templatized.


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