Equivilent of STL Set in D ? ...

clayasaurus clayasaurus at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 14:03:43 PDT 2006

KlausO wrote:
> clayasaurus wrote:
>> Yes, thank you! I'll give it a try when I get the chance. I really 
>> didn't want an intrusive tree. Looks like you have an interesting 
>> interface too, although why not have an interface like...
>> RedBlackTree!(int) tree;
>> tree.add(4);
>> tree.add(3);
>> tree.add(7);
>> tree.remove(7);
>> int b = tree.find(7);
>> ? Just wondering how you came up with the interface :)
>> ~ Clay
> Walter suggested it in a previous post. I think he wanted the same 
> interface as AAs have.

Oh, alright :)

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