Equivilent of STL Set in D ? ...

BLS nanali at wanadoo.fr
Mon Oct 23 15:13:11 PDT 2006

Sean Kelly schrieb:

> Personally, I like Sedgewick's "Algorithms in C++" series the best.  And 
> the "Algorithms in Java" versions appear similar, so I think they're 
> probably just as good.  I find the writing succinct and clear, and 
> performance is discussed thoroughly and supported by actual test numbers.
> Also, while I don't like the writing style in M.A. Weiss' first edition 
> "Data Structures and Problem Solving with C++" as much as Sedgewick, it 
> does cover some topics that Sedgewick doesn't.  Weiss' more recent 
> edition for Java (and I assume C++), however, is about half as thick and 
> its clarity has suffered from all the editing.  But it does still cover 
> the same range of topics, so it may be worth a look.
> Sean

Thanks for your answere Sean,
Thinking about your answere and the nature of Java (no pointers) I guess 
that Sedgewick's "Algorithms in Java" could fullfill my needs because I 
  would like to translate a lot of (pseudo) code like this :

nodepointer is POINTER to node;
node  is record
     d is interger;
     lnode is nodepointer;
     rnode is nodepointer;
     data is Anytype;

into D classes.

Maybe you know about the meanwhile dead PM3 Modula 3 efforts ... wish we 
have such a HUGE lib in D. Hope that comparing pointerless Java examples 
will help to translate Modula sources into D. Ahem...

btw :I wonder wether Sedgewick is still using tons of academic terms 
(means showing how clever he is) or is he meanwhile able to produce some 
output a human-beeing can read.

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