Beginner bud problem

Chris Nicholson-Sauls ibisbasenji at
Tue Oct 24 06:39:38 PDT 2006

notknown wrote:
> Hey,
> I have wxd in /home/me/D/wxd/
> I have project in /home/me/D/DayBook/ containing daybook.d only
> Just cant get it to compile, finding the right parameters for bud.
> Is there very simple tutorial how to do this:
> Just compile my files only, no compiling wxd files.
> Include libraries libwxd.a and libwxc.a from wxd directory.

In file build.brf try writing:
# daybook.d
# libwxd.a
# libwxc.a
# -clean
# -Xwxd
# -I/home/me/D/wxd

Then run the command line, from within /home/me/D/DayBook: bud @build

I think that should be enough.

-- Chris Nicholson-Sauls

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