Missing properties in "Properties" page?

janderson askme at me.com
Mon Apr 16 00:00:18 PDT 2007

Ary Manzana wrote:
> I tried to search the meaning of "tupleof" and "classinfo" properties, 
> so I went to the digital mars page, Language, Properties, but they are 
> not there. So I had to search using the "search" field, found the 
> meaning of tupleof but still didn't find where "classinfo" is specified. 
> Should these properties be listed as well in that page?

Your right.   I found this but it gives little information.


Its actually part of the run-time library Phobos:  You can look it up in 
the object.d file.  ClassInfo looks like this:

class ClassInfo : Object
     byte[] init;		// class static initializer
     char[] name;		// class name
     void *[] vtbl;		// virtual function pointer table
     Interface[] interfaces;
     ClassInfo base;
     void *destructor;
     void (*classInvariant)(Object);
     uint flags;
     //	1:			// IUnknown
     //	2:			// has no possible pointers into GC memory
     //	4:			// has offTi[] member
     void *deallocator;
     OffsetTypeInfo[] offTi;

I added a section to the comments section for that page:

Perhaps someone would like to expand it.

(Tip its always a good idea to check out the "Comment" section, although 
in this case it wouldn't have helped.)


I wish DMD's searching of help was a little friendlier.  I'm surprised 
you where able to find anything.

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