Get Character At?
Daniel Keep
daniel.keep.lists at
Wed Apr 25 08:21:22 PDT 2007
Frits van Bommel wrote:
> Derek Parnell wrote:
>> On Wed, 25 Apr 2007 13:41:25 +1000, Daniel Keep wrote:
>>> Incidentally, I don't suppose you know anything about the relative
>>> performance of your method up there ^^ and the one in my article down
>>> here vv:
>> It seems that your routine is about 3 times slower than the one I had
>> shown. Here is my test program ... I modified your routine slightly
>> because
>> the idiom "if (x++ == n)" is a dangerous one as it is unclear if 'x' gets
>> incremented before or after the comparision. I changed it to be more
>> clear.
> How is it unclear? Postfix-increment clearly means that the value before
> incrementation is returned (and thus compared to n in that expression).
>> I also changed my routine to output a dchar rather than a char[] and to
>> test for invalid position input.
>> //-----------------------------
>> import std.perf;
>> import std.stdio;
>> import std.utf;
>> dchar getCharAt(T)(T pText, int pPos)
>> {
>> size_t lUTF_Index;
>> uint lStride;
>> if (pPos < 0 || pPos >= pText.length)
>> return dchar.init;
>> // Firstly, find out where the character starts in the string.
>> lUTF_Index = std.utf.toUTFindex(pText, pPos);
>> // Then find out its width (in bytes)
>> lStride = std.utf.stride(pText, lUTF_Index);
>> // Return the character encoded in UTF format.
>> return std.utf.toUTF32(
>> pText[lUTF_Index .. lUTF_Index + lStride])[0];
> I think you can change these last two statements to just:
> ---
> return pText.decode(lUTF_Index);
> ---
> (that's std.utf.decode, just to be clear)
> That changes the index variable passed, but that doesn't matter here.
>> }
> [snip]
>> //-----------------------------
>> On my machine (Intel Core 2 6600 @ 2.40GHz, 2GB RAM) I got this result
>> ...
>> c:\temp>test
>> Derek Parnell: 7939664
>> Daniel Keep: 26683373
> With mine added: (and obviously on _my_ machine)
> ---
> urxae at urxae:~/tmp$ dmd -O -release -inline -run test.d
> Derek Parnell: 17693368
> Daniel Keep: 54037341
> Frits van Bommel: 12045495
> urxae at urxae:~/tmp$ gdc -O3 -finline -frelease -o test test.d && ./test
> Derek Parnell: 19567337
> Daniel Keep: 26750383
> Frits van Bommel: 14332419
> ---
> (My machine & compilers: AMD Sempron 3200+, 1GB RAM, 64-bit Ubuntu 6.10,
> running DMD 1.013 and GDC 0.23/x86_64)
> So my version is even faster (about 30%), at least on my machine. And
> IMHO it's also more readable. No need to know what "stride" is, for
> example.
Yoikes! I'm rather amazed that the "simple" foreach method is that much
slower. I'll add the faster version to the article as soon as I get the
Thanks, guys.
-- Daniel
int getRandomNumber()
return 4; // chosen by fair dice roll.
// guaranteed to be random.
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