Passing parameter when creating object array

Kirk McDonald kirklin.mcdonald at
Tue Aug 7 14:35:23 PDT 2007

Deewiant wrote:
> Kirk McDonald wrote:
>>Using new on a dynamic array type already allows you to pass something
>>looking like a constructor call:
>>auto a = new int[](50); // An array of 50 elements
>>It might be appropriate to add a second, optional parameter to this
>>constructor, with the array's default initializer:
>>auto b = new int[](50, 5); // An array of 50 5s
> This syntax is already taken, for allocating nested arrays:

It could still work. Nested (or un-nested) dynamic array types would 
have two constructors: The existing ones, for defining the size of the 
array, and one with one additional argument, defining the default 
initializer of the innermost array's elements.


new char[][](10) // allocate an array of 10 strings
new char[][](10, 20) // allocate 10 strings of 20 \0 characters
new char[][](10, 20, 'a') // allocate 10 strings of 20 'a's.

But now I'm having trouble understanding another part of that page:

"If there is a new ( ArgumentList ), then those arguments are passed to 
the class or struct specific allocator function after the size argument."

For classes, saying 'new C[](20)' creates an array of 20 class 
/references/, set to null, and the class's allocator is never called.

For structs, it is not the structs themselves being new'ed. A struct's 
allocator overload is used when you say 'new S', which returns an S*. 
Saying 'new S[](20)' will create an array whose size in bytes is 
S.sizeof * 20. The struct's allocator has nothing to do with it.

Creating an array of type S*[] has basically the same issue as an array 
of class references: The pointers are initialized to null, and the 
struct's allocator is never called.

Therefore, this line in the spec appears to be useless, and my 
new(false) suggestion could still work.

Kirk McDonald
Pyd: Connecting D and Python

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