Pointer to a class member
Mike Parker
aldacron71 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 21 09:09:41 PDT 2007
negerns wrote:
> Lutger wrote:
>> negerns wrote:
>>> Please tell me if the following code is doing something illegal or is
>>> not a good way to do it.
>>> writefln(cast(char[])*b);
>> This is correct, but not a good way to do it. The type of b is a
>> pointer to char[], so writefln(*b) will also work. Casts are there to
>> work around the type system but it's better to use them only if they
>> are needed.
> Thanks, I tried the writefln(*b).
>> But in this situation it may be better to not use pointers at all? I
>> don't know how you class design looks like, so ignore this if it isn't
>> relevant, but generally a typical getter/setter (a.k.a property) can
>> be used like this:
>> class A {
>> this(char[] n) { _name = n; }
>> char[] name() { return _name; }
>> void name(char[] n) { _name = n; }
>> private char[] _name;
>> }
>> auto a = new A("digitalmars");
>> char[] p = a.name;
>> a.name = p ~ ".com"; // you cannot say a.name~=com, this is a
>> limitation of D's properties.
>> Or if all the data manipulation happens outside the class it may
>> indicate that variable should be moved elsewhere.
> I have a Buffer class which contain the data that i will be manipulating.
> class Buffer {
> char[] _contents;
> uint[] _linelength;
> uint[] _linestart;
> }
> The Buffer class is a member of File class which do file operations.
> class FileBuffer {
> char[] _filename;
> Buffer _buffer;
> // File operations
> public bool open() { ... }
> public bool read() { ... }
> public bool save() { ... }
> ...
> }
> There's another class that do some analysis and manipulations on the
> data that is in the Buffer class. I need to pass the data from the
> FileBuffer class without doing a copy operation since the data might be
> quite big and I do not want to duplicate the data, do some things and
> put it back in. Also, I do not think putting the buffer analysis and
> manipulation inside the Buffer class is good since not all Buffer
> objects do the analysis and manipulation routines and making that class
> a superclass of FileBuffer is, I believe, does not follow good OO design.
> class BufferAnalysis() { ... }
> What I am thinking right now is something like this:
> FileBuffer(Buffer* buffer)
> BufferAnalysis(Buffer* buffer)
> Let other classes that use the Buffer class have a pointer to the Buffer
> to be used and let those classes do what they want with the Buffer data
> without making a copy of the data but propagating any changes.
> Is this description of what I'm trying to do enough? :P
You don't need pointers for this. Unlike in C++, classes in D are
automatically references. Thus this should do what you want:
FileBuffer(Buffer buffer);
BufferAnalysis(Buffer buffer);
Structs are different and are passed by value, meaning they are copied.
So when using structs to achieve the same result, you should use the ref
struct MyStruct
ubyte[] contents;
SomeFunc(ref MyStruct ms);
But actually, arrays in D are just an object with two fields -- a size
and a pointer. So even when passing MyStruct by value, you aren't
copying the data that contents points do, just the size and pointer (8
bytes on a 32-bit system). Also, you might consider using byte or ubyte
for the type of your contents array, rather than char.
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