Resolving conflicting functions

Derek Parnell derek at
Mon Dec 3 16:48:34 PST 2007

I have a Currency data type,based on a struct.

I want to divide a Currency value by a scalar to return a Currency and I
want to divide a Currency value by another Currency value to return a
scalar. This below is my attempt but fails to compile. How does one do

    // ------------------------    
    real opDiv(Currency pFactor)
    // ------------------------    
       return mData / pFactor.mData;
    // ------------------------    
    Currency opDiv(T)(T pFactor)
    // ------------------------    
       Currency temp;
       temp = this.mData / pFactor;
       return temp;
I get the message ...

    template Currency.opDiv(T) conflicts with function Currency.opDiv

(skype: derek.j.parnell)
Melbourne, Australia
4/12/2007 11:44:07 AM

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