client/server framework

Alberto reda at
Sat Feb 3 04:12:46 PST 2007

> Hi!  I wrote the mango xml-rpc stuff awhile back.  It's a bit slow, but I
> don't know of any bugs in it.  (But I haven't used it in awhile, so I don't
> even know if it works in DMD1.0.)  I'm currently working on porting
> mango.xml.sax to tango and will then be porting xml-rpc over to the
> Tango-compatible SAX.  It should be much, much faster.  I'm not making any
> guarantees as to API compatibility, though.  In fact, I'm considering
> re-writing the Xml-Rpc API since I haven't been particularly satisfied with
> the interface code I've been writing with it.
> Expect beta versions of this stuff pretty soon- I've got a big project
> waiting on it ;)... If you've got any ideas or comments on the new efforts,
> please let me know- put up a post on dsource's mango forum and we'll
> discuss it.  I'm pretty open to suggestions on the xml-rpc API right now.
That it's a bit slow it's not a big problem for my application (I
think.), what I need is:
server in D
client in d,vb,c#,java,ecc
With http and xml-rpc I think that I can do it, or I'm wrong?

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