Template member functions conflicting

Robin Allen r.a3 at ntlworld.com
Tue Feb 20 01:49:57 PST 2007

My code's changed so much now I can't even reproduce the bug. It was 
probably caused by something way off in another file, like when I forgot 
a return statement and all my unittests crashed.

Also, I had (OY) by mistake, rather than (int OY). Template syntax is 
pretty confusing. I think I preferred C++'s (typename T) to D's (T). But 
that might be just me.

Bill Baxter wrote:
> Chris Nicholson-Sauls wrote:
>> Robin Allen wrote:
>>> Bruno Medeiros wrote:
>>>> Robin Allen wrote:
>>>>> class Bang(T)
>>>>> {
>>>>>     void fn(U)( Bang!(U) ot) {}
>>>>>         void fn(int q) {}
>>>>> }
>>>>> Why do the two member functions conflict here? One takes a class 
>>>>> instance and a type, the other takes an int.
>>>>> If this is intended, and it's not possible to overload a function 
>>>>> with a template function, then maybe it should be?
>>>> They conflict, but there is an effective workaround, just turn the
>>>> function into a nullary template (template with zero parameters):
>>>> import stdext.stdio;
>>>> class Bang(T)
>>>> {
>>>>     void fn(U)(Bang!(U) ot) { writeln("U template:", typeid(U) ); }
>>>>     void fn() (int q) { writeln("nullary template");}
>>>> }
>>>> void main(char[][] args) {
>>>>     auto foo = new Bang!(char);
>>>>     foo.fn(new Bang!(char));
>>>>     foo.fn(42);
>>>> }
>>> I tried this, but for me it just crashes the compiler. Probably 
>>> because it's actually opMul I'm defining rather than a normal 
>>> function. (I'm trying to make a Matrix class that you can multiply by 
>>> another matrix or a vector.)
>>> The actual code is more like this:
>>> class Matrix(int X,int Y,T)
>>> {
>>>     Matrix!(X,OY,T) opMul(OY)( Matrix!(Y,OY,T) ot );
>>>     Vector!(Y,T) opMul( Vector!(X,T) vec );
>>> }
>>> The only way I've been able to do it is by replacing one of the 
>>> operator functions with a regular function. But it would be nice to 
>>> do it with the * sign.
>> That won't typically work as you cannot overload on return types.
> No the rule is that you can't overload _only_ on return type.  If the 
> arguments are distinct then you can overload.  This works for instance:
> struct Foo
> {
>     int frob(int a) { return a; }
>     char[] frob(char[] a) { return a; }
> }
> void main()
> {
>     Foo f;
>     int x = f.frob(3);
>     char[] y = f.frob("hithere");
> }
>>  If user code /only ever/ passed either Matrix or Vector with your 
>> opMul it might pass... but I'm dubious.  In this case I would 
>> recommend just defining opMul for Matrix, and providing a function for 
>> multiplying with a Vector.
>> The fact that it crashes the compiler, though, is another manner.  Try 
>> to find a small test case that produces it and you may have a bug 
>> report to file.
> Yeh, that sounds like a bug.
> File it here when you have a small repro case:
>    http://d.puremagic.com/issues/
> --bb

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