A Simple DLL Wrapper

oldrev wstring at gmail.com
Thu Feb 22 22:39:57 PST 2007

The better version:

import std.c.windows.windows;
import std.stdio;
import std.traits;
import std.string;
import std.utf;

struct Symbol(char[] SymName, Ret, Params...)
    alias Params        Parameters;
    alias Ret           ReturnValue;
    const char[] Name = SymName;
    extern(Windows) alias ReturnValue function(Params) FunctionType;

// FP_Function
private template MixinMember(S) //S = Symbol template
    mixin("public alias S.FunctionType FP_" ~ S.Name ~ ";");
    mixin("public S.FunctionType " ~ S.Name ~ ";");

private template MixinAllMembers(S, V...)
    mixin MixinMember!(S);
    static if(V.length > 0)
        mixin MixinAllMembers!(V);

final class Module(char[] Path, Symbols...)
    private HMODULE m_handle = null;

    public mixin MixinAllMembers!(Symbols);

    public this()

    public ~this()

    private void initMembers()
        foreach (i, S; Symbols)
            mixin(S.Name ~ " = getSymbol!(FP_" ~ S.Name ~ ")(S.Name);");

    void load(char[] path)
//       m_handle = LoadLibraryW(toUtf16z(path));
        m_handle = LoadLibraryA(toStringz(path));

    void free()
        if(m_handle != null)
            m_handle = null;

    public T getSymbol(T)(char[] sym)
        return cast(T)getSymbol1(sym);

    public void* getSymbol1(char[] sym)
        return GetProcAddress(m_handle, toStringz(sym));


void main()
    auto dll = new Module!("User32.dll", 
            Symbol!("MessageBoxW", int, HWND, LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, UINT), 
            Symbol!("MessageBoxA", int, HWND, LPCSTR, LPCSTR, UINT) 

    dll.MessageBoxW(null, "Hello! DLL! W", "Title W", MB_OK);
    dll.MessageBoxA(null, "Hello! DLL! A", "Title A", MB_OK);


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